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NOAA Live! Webinar 18: The Job of a NOAA Oil Spill Response Scientist
Overview of NOAA's Role in Spill Response
NOAA Live! Webinar 75 - From Eyes in the Sky to Action on the Ground
Chris Barker, NOAA - Data Modelling and Prediction - 2021 Oil Spill Technology Workshop
Jay Coady, NOAA - Data Collection, Management and Dissemination - 2021 Oil Spill Technology Workshop
NOAA Live! Webinar 3: The Ocean From Space
NOAA Live! Webinar 98 - Charting a Career with the NOAA Corps
NOAA Live! Webinar 59 - Whale and Seek: The Underwater Lives of Whales
NOAA Live! 107- Turning Up the Heat: Fish and sea turtles in a warming world
NOAA Live! Webinar 44 - Dolphin Tales
Dr. Daniel Hahn, Assessing injuries resulting from oil spills and chemical releases
Toxicity of Oil in Vertebrates (Part 1 of 5)